Lower prices for electronic vignettes effective January 1, 2023
- Vinetki.bg
- /
- 06-10-2022

The change in the prices of electronic vignettes will take effect from January 1, 2023
The annual vignette becomes BGN 87, instead of BGN 97. The 10% discount applies to all types of electronic vignettes - for a weekend vignette - 9 BGN, for a weekly vignette - 13 BGN, for a monthly vignette - 27 BGN, and for a quarterly vignette - 48 BGN.
You can see a price comparison in the table below:
Type |
Prices of vignettes from 01.01.2023 00:00 |
weekend |
9 BGN |
weekly |
13 BGN |
monthly |
27 BGN |
quarterly |
48 BGN |
annual |
87 BGN |
For each electronic vignette purchased, a reminder is sent by email about its upcoming expiration date. If before traveling you want to make sure that you have a valid vignette, you can check the validity period most easily here: https://vinetki.bg/check-vignette and/or schedule its renewal online here: https://vinetki .bg/buyvignette
If you have a user profile, you can enter an unlimited number of vehicles in the My Vehicles menu. The menu allows checking and renewing vignettes for a larger number of license plates at once.
- 30-05-2023
Intelligent Traffic Systems AD has developed an online portal for registering vignettes and receiving notifications when the expiration date is approaching - https://register.vinetki.bg.
- 06-10-2022
The annual vignette becomes BGN 87, instead of BGN 97. The 10% discount applies to all types of electronic vignettes - for a weekend vignette - 9 BGN, for a weekly vignette - 13 BGN, for a monthly vignette - 27 BGN, and for a quarterly vignette - 48 BGN
- 26-05-2022
Liability insurance on Vinetki.bg offers a real-time calculation of an accurate offer with individual discounts under the most favorable conditions of the insurer
- 31-03-2022
In order for the correction to be completed, it is necessary for the owner or user of the vehicle to submit an application for change of incorrectly declared data to BGTOLL